Improving your braid fishing

  1. Soak your new braid in water for a few hours before spooling.
  2. Wrap a layer of compressible or two-sided tape around the spool of your reel. Unlike monofilament lines, braided line will not stretch and create a tight grip around the spool. A layer of tape lets the line settle in and create a firm hold.
  3. Load your braid to the spool under plenty of tension.
  4. Problems of wind knots and wrap arounds when casting with braid come from overloading spools so load to a couple of millimetres below the lip.
  5. Use a Fluorocarbon or Monofilament leader when fishing with braid, this helps avoiding crack-offs, and also adds a buffer when playing fish near the net. Use between 2 rod lengths and 20 meters.
  6. Always ensure braid is wet before casting.