Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

1.    Obligations of RyanKangling.

RyanKangling will process Personal Data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the purposes of the performance of a contract and to meet our legal obligations.

Where Personal Data is processed by staff members for the purposes of operating sales, courier, mail, parcel and pallet operations.

2.    Objectives

Personal Data will be processed in a lawful, fair and transparent manner in relation to the identification of individuals.

3.    Operational Personal Data

 Operational Personal Data is Personal Data identifying collection and delivery points, consignors and consignees.

Operational Personal Data consists of data such as:

· Names.

· Telephone Numbers.

· Email Addresses.

· Residential Addresses / Billing Addresses

Mail order / Website payments

4.    Purpose of Processing the Data

RyanKangling processes Operational Personal Data as reasonably required to operate the services offered by RyanKangling. Our legal bases for processing Operational Personal Data are:

 · Processing the Operational Personal Data is necessary for the purpose of carrying out

·         The collection and delivery of consignments.

·         Management of user accounts.

·         Tracking and proof of delivery.

·         Billing and payment.

·         Reporting, planning and analysis.

·         Sales and marketing.

·         The integration of Carrier and Customer IT systems.

5.    Third-Party Transfers

Operational personal data will be shared with our delivery partners and customers for the purposes of carrying out contracts.

6.    Data Security

RyanKangling will implement appropriate physical and technical resources to protect Operational Personal Data against unauthorised access, use or disclosure.

Personal data is processed inside the United Kingdom. RyanKangling will promptly notify Members about any known unauthorised access, use or disclosure.

7.    Retention

 RyanKangling will retain Operational Personal Data for website account purposes, warranty purposes, receipt and shipping purposes.

8.    Web Browser Cookies

 Cookies are small pieces of data sent to your web browser by a web site you visit. A cookie is stored in your web browser and allows services to recognize you.

RyanKangling uses both persistent and temporary (session) cookies for:

 · Storing information about your session and site preferences while you are using our and our partners’ web sites to provide the functionality of our web sites. Disabling this cookie will affect your ability to access parts of our web site.

· Using analytical services to store anonymous information about your web browser, IP address and other network information. This information is used for the purposes of monitoring the ongoing performance, security and usage of our web sites. This cookie is not essential to the use of the booking web site.

· RyanKangling does not store personal data in cookies.

 All computers have the ability to decline cookies. This can be done by activating the setting on your browser which enables you to decline the cookies. Please note that should you choose to decline cookies, you may be unable to access particular areas of our booking sites.

9.     Data Subject Rights

Individuals are granted the rights in the GDPR with regard to their personal data:

· The right to be informed. This Operational Privacy Policy describes the way RyanKangling processes Operational Personal Data. Individuals can exercise the following rights by contacting the Data Compliance Officer:

· The right of access to their personal data processed by RyanKangling.

· The right to rectify incorrect personal data.

· The right to delete their personal data and to minimise the period personal data is retained.